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- 9:20 Crash Course Physics-Momentum Uploaded Dec 04, 2018 by Debra Hood
VSEPR and Molecular Geometry
This video gives definitions, examples, and rules for drawing Lewis structures and identifying molecular geometry and electronic geometry. Watch the video and answer the 5 questions.
Uploaded Dec 04, 2018 by Debra Hood -
ESPN-Relaxing with Impulse video
ESPN video: Relaxing with impulse showing the key ideas for impulse and momentum. Watch the video and answer the questions.
Uploaded Dec 03, 2018 by Debra Hood -
ESPN-Running with momentum video
ESPN video demonstrating the key concepts of momentum. Watch the video and answer the questions.
Uploaded Dec 03, 2018 by Debra Hood -
Relaxing with Impulse video
This video uses ESPN sports figures to explain the concept and applications of impulse
Uploaded Dec 03, 2018 - 3:19 stages of mitosis youtube Uploaded Nov 05, 2018 by Jan Gowin
What is Physics-Definition, Meaning and
This video provides and introduction to physics and described several branches.
Uploaded Aug 28, 2018 by Debra Hood - Half Life Uploaded May 23, 2018 by James Dorman
waves and electromagnetic
describes wave properties, sound, and electromagnetic waves to go with a set of questions
Uploaded Mar 06, 2018 by Debra Hood -
Quack Science: Do Ducks' Quacks Echo
Watch the video and answer the 5 questions assigned.
Uploaded Feb 28, 2018 by Debra Hood