Most Recent Videos
2:18 Animation for formation of a salt solution and a methanol/water solution
Watch the animation, paying particular attention to how the solute particles of each type interact with the water molecules as the solution forms. What are the solutes and what is the solvent? How are they different from one another? What characteristic allows the methanol to dissolve in water? Be able to describe, both in words or diagram, how each solution forms.
Uploaded Apr 08, 2019 -
4:27 Solving Complex Calorimetry Problems involving changes of state and temperature
This video describes how to solve a calorimetry problem in which ice is heated through phase changes from solid to liquid to steam.
Uploaded Apr 05, 2019 -
43:29 Scanning the Skies: The Discovery Channel Telescope
This video describes the process of site selection, component functions, and construction of a telescope. Watch the video and answer the questions provided by your teacher.
Uploaded Apr 05, 2019 -
35:12 properties of water video
Complete the video questions by watching the video.
Uploaded Mar 22, 2019 -
20:34 waves, sound, and electromagnetism
As you watch this video, answer the questions on your worksheet.
Uploaded Feb 22, 2019 -
10:08 Static equilibrium and the ladder problem
The narrator explains the diagram and sequential steps for solving a ladder in static equilibrium problem.
Uploaded Jan 30, 2019 -
6:59 Videos of different types of chemical reactions.
View this video to review actual examples of different types of chemical reactions and to help in describing them on you webquest document.
Uploaded Jan 22, 2019 -
10:04 The Chemistry of Carbon/Diamonds, etc
Watch this video and answer the accompanying questions. You may have to look up some of the term definitions.
Uploaded Dec 12, 2018 -
22:14 Insurance Safety Institute Vehicle Crash Tests
Watch the video and answer the questions on the accompanying worksheet.
Uploaded Dec 11, 2018 -
9:20 Crash Course Physics-Momentum Uploaded Dec 04, 2018
11:00 VSEPR and Molecular Geometry
This video gives definitions, examples, and rules for drawing Lewis structures and identifying molecular geometry and electronic geometry. Watch the video and answer the 5 questions.
Uploaded Dec 04, 2018 -
12:52 ESPN-Relaxing with Impulse video
ESPN video: Relaxing with impulse showing the key ideas for impulse and momentum. Watch the video and answer the questions.
Uploaded Dec 03, 2018