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1:08 News clip from man who slipped and fell into one of Yellowstone's hot springs
This video is a brief news clip about the man who died when he slipped and fell into one of Yellowstone's dangerously acidic hot springs.
Uploaded May 12, 2020 by Debra Hood -
20:34 waves, sound, and electromagnetism
As you watch this video, answer the questions on your worksheet.
Uploaded Feb 22, 2019 by Debra Hood -
21:36 Quack Science: Do Ducks' Quacks Echo
Watch the video and answer the 5 questions assigned.
Uploaded Feb 28, 2018 by Debra Hood -
21:51 Weird Science-The Sound of vomit
Watch the video and answer the questions provided.
Uploaded Feb 27, 2018 by Debra Hood -
32:32 Noble gases video
Watch the video and complete the information needed for your chart.
Uploaded Feb 22, 2018 by Debra Hood -
5:47 What is Physics-Definition, Meaning and
This video provides and introduction to physics and described several branches.
Uploaded Aug 28, 2018 by Debra Hood -
5:57 TedEd Light, Visible and Invisible video
Watch this video and answer the questions via TedEd
Uploaded Feb 19, 2018 by Debra Hood -
12:52 ESPN-Relaxing with Impulse video
ESPN video: Relaxing with impulse showing the key ideas for impulse and momentum. Watch the video and answer the questions.
Uploaded Dec 03, 2018 by Debra Hood -
9:20 Crash Course Physics-Momentum Uploaded Dec 04, 2018 by Debra Hood
29:09 Alkaline Earth Metals video
Watch this video, pausing it when you need to record answers in your journal.
Uploaded Feb 20, 2018 by Debra Hood