pre AP Physics (Period 5)

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phet refraction screen shots for set up

These illustrations show step by step how the simulation set up should look.  You will make changes to the material on the right side of the simulation for each trial. Use the protractor to measure the angles of incidence, reflection, and refraction.  Record all data on your answer document and answer the questions there.

Quizziz Refraction and Reflection

Use the link below to join the group to answer the questions dealing with refraction and reflection.  You may use your notes and handouts to help with the answers.  You may ask me to clarify questions if you need to.
code 083966

waves, sound, and electromagnetism

As you watch this video, answer the questions on your worksheet.

Static equilibrium and the ladder problem

The narrator explains the diagram and sequential steps for solving a ladder in static equilibrium problem.